Ancient legends

Monday, 28 July 2014

Please help save our lives


I'm writing this and begging for help as I have absolutely no other options left.

I'm a survivor of rape and attempted murder as a child, I was twelve years old and subjected to this by my family. As an adult, they have refused to help or support me, leaving me with no one.

I have an adult, 19 years old, child and three cats.

I worked all my adult life up to 2008 when I had a break down. I lost my home and job and ended up in homeless accommodation with the promise from my family they would help.

They didn't and we've been left to fend for ourselves. I received little NHS help due to having PTSD, a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. I had 6 weeks talking therapy and unlimited anti depressants.

I needed more.

I was on sickness benefits but due to Westminster cuts this was stopped and I was put on Job seekers allowance.

I had to find work but I have been blocked at every available turn. My child and I are unemployable and the few weeks work i did manage to get, I was bullied, atacked and sacked. I have been blacklisted and my childhood abuse survival used against me.

On top of this we have had constant harassment in our home. I have been attacked in the street and in my home. We are in council housing property and their response to this is to evict us.

Currently we have no income, we are due to be evicted on 22nd August and we have no where to go and no to help.

All help I have asked for where we currently live has been denied. Plenty of places outside of the area will help but we have to live in their area to receive anything more than telephone help.

So I'm here, and I'm begging you to please, please donate a few pounds so we can move somewhere we aren't blacklisted and can receive much needed help and support.

Please help, just a simple click, a few pounds and you can, literally save our lives as we have nothing and no where else to go.

After all I've been through and the rejection my child has suffered your help will mean more than you could ever know.

We are hoping to raise £5,000 to cover moving costs and three months rent/deposit.

This should give us time to find work.

I am at the end of my strength and I hate having to do this but we have been left with nothing.

We also need help with not being evicted on the 22nd but I'll have to think on that unless you have an idea.

I am doing this alone with no help and really need you to be able to help us,


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