Ancient legends

Sunday 8 September 2013

Scotland in a frame

Myths and Legends in the Wild Scottish Wolds

Hidden Depths

Glancing through the snow lashed trees, across the frozen loch, where, rumour has it, a monster fish lurks, even rarer than Nessie.

Mystical River

Mary McDonalds river of eternal youth, shrouded by the Cuillins of Skye (taken during hurricane Bawbag).

Hidden Gems

Tucked away on an island shore, carefully tended to, lies the amber liquid of the Angels, who always take their 10% share.

Faerie Cairns

Down long disused roads you'll often find faeire cairns and standing stones.


Be careful when you reach the beach for there the Selkies wait to charm any mans soul.

Mists of Auld

 Sit by the loch sides edge and watch the mist roll swiftly across the water.

Eilean Doonan

 Across the bridge the Castle lies beneath the snow blanketed mountains.

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