Ancient legends

Sunday 8 December 2013

Rolling up to christmas


It's that time of year again, of festivities and familes and friends, where everyone joins together to eat good food and swap presents, where children play with the boxes rather than the toys and grandma falls asleep snoring in the chair after having one cooking sherry too many.

It's a time of glossy adverts and cutesy songs, of films only shown at this time of year. Of turkeys and cranberries and baileys. Of socialising, putting up with the family, nativities and midnight mass.

It's a wonderful time of year, cosy and heart warming.

Hopefully this year will be similar for me.

Albeit, without the socialising and extended family but I hope for the peace and goodwill and spending time with my little family, however small it is.

My childhood memories aren't of the glossy, cutesy, once a year, lovey type of memories. The stark facts of my childhood Christmases were of fear, violence and trying not to be noticed.

And it still goes on today.

Too many children are still living in fear at christmas, too many are going to be spending the day treading on eggshells they can't see, hear, or predict.

Too many will think themselves lucky if they get through the day without a bruise or a tirade or a bloody face.

We need to stop turning a blind eye to this, to stop being controlled by a corporate, commercial brain washing of what christmas should be and start thinking, no, start doing something to see no child, no family lives in fear this christmas.

If it's not good enough for you, it's not good enough for anyone.

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